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Writer's pictureRyzn Enterprise

What is Foundation Data?

Ryznware™ Loan or Lease core software comprises all of the core data elements data which is the foundation for all financial businesses. Since 1995, we have been helping financial businesses grow and transform into better versions of themselves. Whether you’re a startup or an already established business, Ryzn has the right software to help you and your business improve, all while ensuring that your unique business model is never compromised. Our work with you is a collaboration as we work together to bring technology and business knowledge and experience to a towards a successful software implementation.

Overview on Foundation Data

Foundation data is key and crucial to the operational and transactional areas of your financial business. It represents all of your company’s rules, policies, and procedures that drive and govern the day-to-day lending activities. Essentially, foundation data can be seen as common data tables which are shared between multiple applications or processes which are supposed to create a sturdy foundation for good service automation and management. An organization will run more efficiently and smoothly if there is a solid foundation within their system, so selecting a company, such as Ryzn to assist you will ensure we work towards achieving that goal.

Here is an example of how foundational data impacts the organization and supports all operational activities of the finance business model

The above diagram shows foundation data is at the center of the system and flows through to all areas of the organization .

Below is a more detailed list of the global and contract rules that can make up the foundation data structure and which will affect your financial processes:

Global Data

● Geographic Locations

● Addressing Data

● Sales Taxes

● Asset Categories (Equipment)

● Makes/Models (Automotive)

● Fiscal Calendars

Customer Data

● Legal Address

● Multiple Bill-To Addresses

● Future and Address History

● Identification Data

● Credit Score Data

● Employer References (Consumer)

● Bank and Credit Card References

● Personal/Trade References

Other Entities

● Originating Entities (brokers, dealers, vendors, affiliated)

● Funding Sources (self, affiliated, investors, banks)

● Sales reps (internal and external)

● Guarantors

● Other external entities: insurance carriers, agents, repossessors, lenders, and others

Contract Data Rules

● Finance Agreement Types

● Price Lists

● Commission Rules

● Funding Agreements

● Funding Deductible Fees

● Up-front Fees

● Recurring Charges

● Late and NSF Rules

● Repossession Rules

● Early Payoff/Penalty Rules

● Skip-A-Payment Rules

Contract Setup

● Loan Contracts

● Lease Contracts

● Other Finance

● Co-debtors/Co-signers

● Asset Locations & Asset Details

● Finance or Operating Lease Types

● Lease Purchase Option

● Fixed, Step or Variable Interest Rates

● Multiple & Seasonal Payment Intervals

● Amortization & Discount Schedules

Build a Solid Foundation with Ryznware™

Ensuring a solid foundation of core data is a critical part of any enterprise software implementation. Without it, rules are compromised, workarounds are created, and key analysis metrics are omitted. With Ryzn, you gain an experienced partner to analyze and implement a successful software outcome. We ensure that your financial company’s foundation data integrates and supports your operational and transactional areas so that it reflects your true business model and satisfy the strategic information collection goals.

Call or email us today for more discussion on how we can help with your software implementation.

Phone: 1.888.747.7996

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